Careful Whispers Unmuted!!

Random musing and ranting of my current state of mind, or whatever catches my overworked imagination.. Read at your own risk... I am known to go on and on.....

Location: New Delhi, India

Friday, November 18, 2005

Got the flu. I think they call it Influenza or something equally big and scary for the common cold that my life seems to be peppered with. I can’t remember going through one season to the next without having caught the irritable nose-runs and cough routine. Maybe it is my weak constitution or my seemingly utter disregard for “proper” clothing. Now how does one ascertain that the summers are over today and the winters start from tomorrow??<<<< Hence I need to get into layers and layers of woolens from tomorrow onwards!!!
Anyway what is interesting to note that people around your always have ‘tried and tested sure shot ways’ to combat and destroy the problem. “Take my advice and you will be as good as new tomorrow” said one of my learned friends. I have my own reservations about that particular proverb and its usage.. However, I did make an effort to hear him out.

" The problem is "...he continued like any sensible person to first explore the reason and then provide the remedy, " have switched to bathing in warm water too quickly. The temperature is still between 10-15 degrees, which does not require warm water showers. Anyway what you need to do now is......" I barely heard him out and showing greatest restraint, resisted the urge to punch the living daylights out of him.I wanted to tell him that being forced to use cold water on my ass every morning was bad enough( the geyser does not warm the bidet faucet)
Another highly learned aunt of mine questioned my dietary intake with the view of changed weather, citing that as the real reason. My mother-in-law suggested a spoon ful of Chawanprash as the perfect antidote. My boss suggested that i should come out of my bathroom fully clothed rather than just a towel around my lower torso . He also suggested, knowing my soft corner for potent beverages, that a nice shot of hot brandy would cure me instantly.My colleagues at work (with whom i play Table Tennis everyday), suggested that two hours of rigorous games would sweat out all the germs from my body.
After all this, now i do wear all the woolens i can find, completely changed my shower routine and come out of the shower completely clothed, got a new diet regime going, bought a bottle of chawanprash, even tried a couple of shot of scotch ( didn't have brandy you see!!). In spite of all this i still sleep in the guest room with a couple of packs of paper tissues with a every heavily running nose and coughing away like an old tractor that has outlived its utility.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was quite a hilareous account of the common cold. I could well identify with the situation. Keep the blogs pouring !!Would love to read more from you

2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just happened to bump into ur blog... u write well mate!

12:00 PM  
Blogger Shibu said...

thanks to both of you....cheers

12:01 PM  

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